The Science of Survey Design
Most surveys give you inaccurate and biased information. That is because the vast majority of people who write questionnaires are simply untrained. Much of the data you get is inaccurate. We are trained in the science of questionnaire design. We use well-tested state-of-the-art scientific approaches to survey design.
Semantic differential Discrete choice Max-diff Satisficing Optimal scale length Validity Reliability Unipolar versus bipolar scales Full versus partial filtering Cognitive interviewing Cognitive probes
Custom Studies
Insight & Measurement also works with experts across research fields, and can create the perfect team to meet your research needs. Common custom study types include:
Research Planning
Survey Research & Questionnaire Design
Qualitative Techniques
Focus Groups
Depth Interviews
Cognitive Interviewing
Patient Communities
Label Comprehension
Online Qualitative Research
Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs)
Patient Preference (PPI)
Patient Experience
Package Design
Message Testing
Patient Journey
Customer Communities
Custom surveys